Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Fucking Hate Thanksgiving

~Not only is it is a holiday based upon a lie, it is jam-packed with massive amounts of emotional coercion on both a personal and cultural level and if one rejects that coercion, then you're the fucking bad guy for being 'ungrateful'.

Well, fuck you! My family shoved this fucking thing down my throat for decades and I won't stand for that from anyone ever again.


fibrowitch said...

I am sorry your family put you through so much crap. My mom is from Plymouth so I kind of grew up with the entire Pilgrim myth. Thought you might enjoy this.

Was there a black pilgrim

Nebris said...

"...if these pilgrims, if some of them were black men, then that prestige, all the fun of being a descendant of a pilgrim is gone.’”

p00t I say. =)

And thanx, hun. xoxox