Friday, September 23, 2011

Her Prophet Whines

~RE The Explanation Blogspot: Two days ago I finally inputted the text to the empty upgrade posts I created a week and half earlier. [that statement made my think in both Gregorian and Matriarchal Calendar terms lol] Been kinda fucking off ever since.

However I do need to get myself back on InWorldz. Le-Le has set aside an entire tier for us to build a virtual model of the First Karaal hydropolis I speak of in Part Four: “The Temple's Tactical Initiatives”. I really suck at being in Vert and am stressing out about that. But it is a great way to show what we envision and I can use screen -caps of it to illustrate the X-Plan book.

At least this comp can handle Vert now. Just gotta push through....

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