Thursday, May 27, 2010

14 Years Today... was the last Monday in May, therefore Memorial Day. I was back at Hotel Hell again for the third time in six years. But I was working a 'regular job', albeit for a con man's front operation. Last regular job I ever held actually.

Anyway, as I had some of my own folding money, I decided to treat myself to a movie. There was an interesting looking bit of fluff playing in Century City, which was 'just down the hill', this thing titled The Craft. I went to catch an early afternoon show, probably between one and two o'clock.

When I came out of the theater, my life had changed, though at the time I didn't have a clue. I had really loved it and really hated it. I loved the witches of course. But I hated that they fell out and turned on each other over a fucking football jock.

I went back up the hill and sat in my little bedroom tucked away at the end of the house. I thought about the story I had just seen and how I would change it. After an hour or two – still not really sure how long – I scribbled some notes on to a single sheet of lined 8.5x 11 paper. [I still have that sheet of paper btw]

As I do like Epic Stories, I took the concept of a small group of witch girls in high school and lifted it up into a star empire of lesbian cyber witches. That story cycle became Tales of the VÄ“kkan Cults.

Around 7pm Mumsie called down the stairs to tell me dinner was on the table. I was pleased with what I had done and planned to get some research material that coming week. The following Saturday I went to The Bodhi Tree in West Hollywood. I dropped $150 on books ranging from Z Budapest's Holy Book of Women's Mysteries to Scott Cunningham's Wicca for The Solitary Practitioner, along with a dictionary of Goddess names.

I read through them late that evening and something interesting happened. Though I'd bought these books as 'research material', they truly began to 'speak to me', and suddenly, I got this feeling that I still describe to this day as 'coming home'. I knew that this was the Path I had been seeking for literally decades.

Over the next month or so I worked a short film idea title Spirits of The Air about the coven of witches who would found the great empire I had envisioned that first day. Casting that in turn lead me to Sarah Lise, who months later would 'hold open the door' that brought E into my life...and who also introduced me to my dear friend Jepsonia.

And, now, I sit here at this desk up in the High Desert with The Explanation more than three quarters complete and two Sisters on board and more on their way. As I said, I had no clue how much that little movie had changed the course of my life and that is why I believe so strongly in the power of telling stories.

And so it is....

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